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| •Health and Fitness :: Exercise-Yoga
•The Complete 10-Component 1,000 Calorie Challenge System | Discover How You Can Burn MORE Than
1,000 Calories EVERY Workout, Diet ONLY Three Days Each Week, And Consistently Melt Away Up to FIVE Pounds Of Pure Fat EVERY 7 Days...
Dear Friend,
I want you to imagine something...
I want you to imagine yourself burning MORE than 1,000 Calories EVERY workout, feeling (and looking) absolutely
incredible each and every day, and consistently
stripping away up to FIVE pounds of PURE fat week, after week...after week...
Now how does that sound to you?
You see, the truth is you can burn a whopping
THOUSAND calories EVERY workout, and you can look
and feel your best while rapidly losing fat...but before we get in to how, you first you need to understand exactly
why you're NOT:
The #1 Thing STOPPING You From MAXIMAL Fat Loss
+ 1 = 2
Everybody GETS that.
You see, we learned simple mathematics way back in
the 1st grade (Kindergarten if you were "advanced"),
but somehow we've forgotten their truth when it comes to fat loss.
Let me explain.
FAT = Calories. In fact, one pound of fat = 3,500 of them.
Want to burn one pound of pure fat this week? Then
you'll need to create a 3,500 calorie deficit over the course of the next 7 days.
Three pounds of pure fat? Make that 10,500....
| Full Article: The Complete 10-Component 1,000 Calorie Challenge System | •Fully Disclosed To Civilians For the First Time | Learn Previously Non-Disclosed Methods that Navy
SEALS, Marines and Real-Life Secret Agents Are
Using Right Now to Chisel Rock Hard Bodies and
Maintain Mission Readiness ¡X Anytime, Anywhere,
With Absolutely No Equipment
When Daniel Craig stepped out of the surf on a Bahamas beach, he melted women around the world and spiked browser searches from guys looking for that incredible James Bond physique. Fitness marketers capitalized on the moment by offering the usual bodybuilding-style workouts and labeling them Bond. But anyone who knows anything about tactical ops wasn¡¦t fooled.
A guy like Bond needs more than show muscle to save the world ¡X he needs serious go muscle ¡X because it isn¡¦t enough to look pretty when Blofeld comes calling. And when real life secret agents need go muscle, they turn to TACFIT Commando.
The entire TACFIT Commando program is bodyweight-only and can be completed in about the same amount of space you¡¦d need to lie down in. It only takes 20 minutes, but we¡¦ve packed it with an intensity and fat melting power most athletes don¡¦t even tap in a full hour of training ¡X because real-world tactical operators don¡¦t have time to piss around.
As if that weren¡¦t enough, TACFIT will also teach you a few of the slick moves used by real life spies in the field. You¡¦ll be able to run, jump and slide like Bond in that crazy opening parkour sequence and you¡¦ll floor the ladies just like he did when you walk up the beach.
Life doesn¡¦t get any cooler than that.
| Full Article: Fully Disclosed To Civilians For the First Time | • Related Articles:
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